
God speaking



Special theory of relativity : Explained in simple words

First of all you will imagine why this is named as special theory of relativity? Well that is because this theory deals with a special case, Special case that is this theory deals with particles moving at constant velocity. That... Continue Reading →

Dark energy and Multiverse

I am writing this blog is because I am so impressed by the theory of Multiverse and how scientists at LHC(Large Hadron Collider) are trying to prove it's existence. Theory exists already now, there is need to prove it because... Continue Reading →

Summation of all natural numbers is (-1/12), How? Let’s see.

Unbelievable isn't it ? How can all the positive numbers can add up to give a negative number?   Let us assume P =  1-1+1-1+1-1+.... Q = 1-2+3-4+5-6+... R = 1+2+3+4+5+6+... All the series are infinite non ending series. Now,... Continue Reading →

Shadow Economy: Noob’s point of view

India is going through a big change right now. Demonetization move by PM has caused many problems in daily life transactions, all this for what? What is so bad about black money and how it affects our day to day... Continue Reading →

Theory of EVOLUTION on Crude refining

As naturalist Charles Darwin said "theory of evolution applies to everyone", I'll say it applies to crude refining too. Yeah! it really does. Each and every unit installed inside the refinery is result of years of evolution. Fulfilling environmental demands... Continue Reading →

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