I am writing this blog is because I am so impressed by the theory of Multiverse and how scientists at LHC(Large Hadron Collider) are trying to prove it’s existence. Theory exists already now, there is need to prove it because without proof we are not going to believe Sherlock too.

The time has come now where we go to a journey, journey of multiverse and dark energy.

Dark Energy

“In physical cosmology and astronomy, dark energy is an unknown form of energy which is hypothesized to permeate all of space, tending to accelerate the expansion of the universe”

This is what Google says when you ask google about Dark energy, But let me explain it in simple words.

As we know that mass attracts mass that force is called force of gravity. Same way Einstein said that if mass attracts the mass then opposite of that is also true. That is empty space should repel mass!

If this is true then we need to rethink about our concept of expanding universe. If there was a big bang and universe is expanding then it is decelerating and when that deceleration becomes zero whole energy of the big bang will be contained as potential energy (that is gravitational pull between the planets) and universe will start contracting towards it’s center and it will vanish.

Saul Perlmutter, Brian Schmidt and Adam Riess won for their shared discovery that the cosmos is expanding at an accelerating rate! Yes it is already proven that universe is expanding at an accelerated rate. What the did to prove this is as follows.

They used ground and space telescopes to map the most distant Type Ia supernovae, and found these exploded stars seemed dimmer than they should have been. Type Ias are used as standard candles because astronomers know their brightness, which is extremely consistent, and can use this to measure their distance from us. But measurement showed us that stars are faded. That is only possible when separation is accelerated.

When scientists calculated that how much dark energy should be infused in space in order to facilitate the separation rates they found this number it is 1.38 x 10^(-23).

The question here is what justifies this number?  This number should emerge from the laws of physics. Why only this number ? This question may seem a little dumb but this question will take us to our next question that is existence of multiverse.

To explain this number we will have to go to a new concept developed again by Einstein, as a part of unified theory to bind all that we see into one single theory. That is string theory.

String Theory

Einstein said that if we go further deep into any matter we will find atoms then nucleus after that sub atomic particles, But if we go further deep we will find that the particles are made up of vibrating strings, as strings of guitar vibrating with different lengths produce different notes, same way these vibrating strings has different shapes which produces different particles, so this theory unifies all the particles around us to one single bond.

Now the problem with the string theory mathematics is that there are internal inconsistencies, until we allow for extra dimensions! in macro world we have three dimensions but at sub atomic level we can imagine so many dimensions tied together so small that we haven’t detected them yet. If they exists then that matters because they determine that how the string will vibrate. the shape of the extra dimension will determine everything, as in string theory vibrations determine everything, Particle masses, physical characteristics of the universe.

Now to get our special number we have to know the shape of extra dimensions. and the one shape that gives us our value is our shape of extra dimensions. But, there are total of 10^(500) candidate shapes(Till now) allowed by mathematics exists. Even if we find the shape that gives us our desired value what about other shapes ? in solution of quadratic equation when we find imaginary roots we say that the roots are not on real  axis they are imagined on an imaginary axis we just can not deny the existence of those roots so how can we deny the 10^(500) possibilities of other candidate shapes ?

This is where idea of multiverse comes into existence


To justify each and every candidate shapes we say that there exists a universe with each and every shape  there exists a universe that has different physical characteristics, and our universe is one of them. where value of dark energy is as mentioned above, there would be some universes where dark energy is too strong that formation of matter is impossible and there would be some universes where dark energy is too weak that particles can’t escape gravity and they merge together.

There would be some universes where earth is too close to sun that life is not possible there because of extreme temperatures or there is a universe  where earth is too far away from sun that is dead cold. There would be some universes where gravitational force is stronger than ours and there is a universe where it is weaker. This thought can be extended in such a way that gravity is spread across the dimensions and it’s component that falls into our dimension gives us the value of gravitational constant G=6.67408 × 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2 . In other universes this component of gravity is different that explains this number. This is just a bigger picture of multiverse.

As we all can imagine that if we let 6 children sit on a round table randomly and then ask them to sit again but this time your arrangement should be different then the previous arrangement.So there is a possibility that they will repeat the formations after some trials, Same concept at a much larger level is that we all are just an arrangement of molecules and we can be repeated in different universe. Yes this way we have our exact replica (I should not say replica as it’s us only) in some universe where events happen differently for example in this universe you choose to wear red but it is possible that you will choose blue. Now this topic can be extended further as we like, So now I will talk that how scientists are trying to prove existence of multiverse.

Role of LHC(Large Hadron Collider)

Their plan is to measure the energy before and after collision.You might wonder  that obviously  it would be the same but their idea is that when two protons will collide they will form a smaller particle graviton which will further split into photons and it will be received by the receptors and energy will be measured this way after the collision and before collision total energy kinetic energy of both the particles.

Now idea here is when this graviton is formed and it splits into photons it is at that level at which photons can be slipped into other dimensions, and if that happens then the energy before and after the collision will not match, and that will be a breakthrough.Don’t worry about law of conservation of energy it will still hold true that energy in this Multiverse(Not universe) is and will be constant.

If you are wondering that why hasn’t LHC produced this experiment’s result then it is because it energies before and after matched perfectly. Now if you are thinking that the theory is wrong it is not, Because for that to happen we will be needing exact amount of kinetic energy and exact conditions such that our photon should match the characteristics of other world and when that happens it will vanish automatically.Just as flash travels into other dimensions he needs exact amount of speed to reach into desired dimension.



  1. http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2011-10/dark-energy-discovery-wins-physics-nobel
  2. https://www.ted.com/talks/brian_greene_why_is_our_universe_fine_tuned_for_life
  3. Special thanks to Brian greene and his research
  4. http://www.briangreene.org/